Guest Posting

Guest Posting On Ai Tool Hindi

If you want to send a guest post to then you are welcome. You can send us both free and paid guest posts. But remember, your post should be in Hindi language. becpuse the language of the post should be such that even a less educated person can understand it easily.
And most importantly, your content should not be copied from anywhere. Some people copy blogs from other languages ​​and translate them into Hindi. And after making some changes, we think that now we will not be able to catch it. but it’s not like that. We take this very seriously. And check each paragraph of the post. That’s why don’t send such posts to us.

Topics And Categories

Since is a Ai Information Technology website. That is why we accept guest posts only on Ai related topics. For your convenience, we have selected some topics and categories. Under which you can send us guest posts. The details of selected topics and categories are as follows

  1. AI
  2. AI Tools
  3. AI Technology

Note: We do not accept Smartphone Reviews, Tutorials and News Articles. That is why do not send such posts to us at all. We give importance only to information based articles. Therefore, try to have as much valuable information as possible in your post.

Guest Posting Rules

We have made some rules for guest posting, which are important to follow. If you do not follow these rules, your post will not be accepted. Therefore, read each rule carefully and follow it.

  1. Your post should be in Hindi language (Devanagari script). We do not accept posts written in English and Hinglish.
  2. You can write important keywords related to the topic in English language. See articles from for examples.
  3. The minimum word limit for Guest Post is 1000 words. Posts with less words than this will not be accepted.
  4. There should be no spelling and grammatical errors in the post. If there are minor mistakes, we will edit them. But if there are excessive inaccuracies, the post will be rejected.
  5. No paragraph of the post should be longer than 150 words. Also, the formatting of paragraphs should be absolutely correct

Content Quality

  1. Your post should be original. No part of the post (paragraph or sentence) should be copied or translated from anywhere. Because we do not publish duplicate and copied content.
  2. High Quality Content is our top priority. Therefore, try to ensure that your content is of quality.
  3. There should not be any kind of advertisement or promotion in your post. Also there should not be any external link.
  4. You will get only one DoFollow Backlink. Which you can use either in the post, or in the author introduction.
  5. The post you are sending to It should not be published on any other blog or website. Not even on my own blog.
  6. Your post should be Search Engine Friendly (SEO Friendly).

Important Details

  1. It is mandatory to send at least one photo with the post. Post will not be published without photo. Keep in mind, your photo should be copyright free. Also it should be related to the topic. If necessary, you can send more than one photo. The resolution of the photo should be 640×426 pixels.
  2. Along with the post, please send the author’s full name, brief biography, URL of the blog or blog post, email address, and a photo (512×512 pixels). So that the post can be published including your name and photo.
  3. The post will be published only under those categories which are already present on No new category will be created.
  4. For Paid Guest Post, you can also send the desired category name, Tags, Anchor Text for Backlink, ALT Texts and Meta Description for Images. But keep in mind, the number of tags should not be more than 10.

Terms & Conditions

Please read our Terms and Conditions before submitting a Guest Post. Our Terms & Conditions related to Guest Post are as follows:-

  1. Once your post is published on So you cannot send it to any other blog or website for publication. Nor can you publish it on your blog/website.
  2. Once published, your post will never be deleted from under any circumstances.
  3. We can edit and modify the guest post sent by you as per our need. You can even make changes in the title, category, tags, keywords, hyperlinks, photos, and content of the post whenever you want. If you have any objection to this, please do not send your post to us.
  4. You cannot use the page or post for which you will be given a backlink for spam or propaganda. If you do this then your backlink will be removed forever.
  5. If our website suffers SEO related loss due to your backlink. So we have the right to change your backlink to NoFollow Backlink or Text.

DoFollow Backlink Conditions

  1. Only those blogs and websites will get DoFollow Backlink. Whose DA will be more than 5, Spam Score will be less than 10% and Domain Age will be more than 6 months.
  2. After submitting the guest post, you will have to wait at least 5 days. Because during this time we will review your content.
  3. The author in whose name the post will be published. A blank account will be created in his name on But access to this account will remain with for life. The author or anyone associated with the author will not be given access to this account.
  4. Affiliated Links will not be accepted under any circumstances.
  5. The facility of Free Guest Post is only for Hindi Bloggers.
  6. reserves the right to change the above terms and conditions at any time.

Submit Guest Post

You do not need any computer or laptop to send guest post to Nor is MS Word required. Just pick up your phone, go to the email box, type your post, attach photos and send it to aitoolhindi email address. But do not forget to add the following details in the email:-

Subject: The subject of the email should be “New Guest Post”. So that your mail can be read as soon as possible.

Body: The body of the email should first contain your post and then the author and important details related to the post. If you want to say something else apart from the post, write at the end.

Important details related to the author:-

  1. Full name of the author
  2. Brief Biography
  3. Email ID
  4. Blog name
  5. Blog address (URL)
  6. A photo

Important details related to the post:-

  1. Post title
  2. Category of post
  3. At least 3 tags
  4. At least 1 photo
  5. ALT Text for Photo
  6. URL for Backlink
  7. Anchor Text for Backlink
  8. Meta Description

Note: Please note that the title of the post, URL for backlink, anchor text and minimum. Sending photo is mandatory. Rest of the details are only for Paid Guest Posts. But are not mandatory. To send email, click on the button given below:-

Contact Us :

whatsapp Contact No: 8625915011
Email: [email protected]
Address: Nandurbar, Maharashtra, India, 425412
